Resolve Fears

Whether real or imagined, let’s face it, people can become fearful of just about anything: objects, people, situations, or activities. We have all become accustomed to news of some newly labeled phobia among the usual aero, aqua, astra, claustro, dento, enochlo, glosso, hemo, iatro, myso, nosoco, zoo and even phonophobia, which is the fear of fears.

I have helped people with common fears such as public speaking, acting on stage, flying, dentistry, medical procedures and driving great distances from home. Often a basic suggestion session with reinforcement practice at home using a recording is all it takes to get over the hump on these. Occasionally advanced hypnosis may be needed to uncover and resolve triggers that bring about the fear. In those cases, we regress back to the time and place where the fear was created and remediate the triggers. Examples of triggers include sites, sounds, smells, locations, sensations, people, and more. 

To face and resolve a fear the first step is to set up a consultation to discuss the issue and agree on a path to remedy the situation.

A man sitting in a dark room with his hand on his forehead.